

KINGDOM PERSPECTIVE Different Christian believers from different nations and cultures have different perspectives of Jesus and the kingdom of God. Their points of view and the pictures they have in their minds are influenced by their culture, background, race and other factors. Different groups also like to create images of Jesus and the kingdom of God that fit their desires and ambitions like the Black Hebrew movement that say that the original Jews were black people and Jesus came into the world as a black man. All these different perspectives are based on assumptions and imagination of men. Americans have visions of massive mansions and streets of gold where the redeemed will live in heaven, whereas the scripture describes the New Jerusalem, not the kingdom of heaven. These images and perceptions are used as selling points to influence people to take on Christianity, and many are deceived. The sad truth is that many worship an image of Jesus. They do not know Him because they never met Him.
It is not sufficient just to believe in Jesus. Jesus said that unless a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God, neither can he enter. You must be born again of water and of the Spirit of God. Jesus reveals Himself to those who RECEIVE Him, OBEY Him, who REPENT, are baptized in water and who observe His words, His teachings and commandments as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. He gives His Holy Spirit in them to teach and guide them and be with them. He Himself comes and dwells in them.
He reveals Himself and the kingdom of heaven to them, so that they know Him and His kingdom from divine revelation, not from hear say. They hear His voice and they follow Him. They do not run after people with cleverly crafted stories and fables.
Have you received Jesus, obeyed Him, been born again of water and Spirit? Has He revealed Himself to you and do you know Him for real?
May Jesus bless you.

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