
Bacteria and fungi show a precise daily rhythm in tropical air, finds NTU Singapore study

Bacteria and fungi show a precise daily rhythm in tropical air, finds NTU Singapore study Did you know you breathe in at least one million microorganisms in the air in a day? The latest research by #NTUsg scientists from the Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering has found that the tropical air contains a rich and diverse range of at least 725 types of microorganisms and follows a constant day-night pattern whereby bacteria dominate in the day and fungi at night. Further research on this day-night pattern may help scientists understand the effect of air microbial communities on the environment and human #health, especially on patients with respiratory illnesses.

#NTUsgResearch #NTUsgSmartCampus

Nanyang Technological University,NTU Singapore,air quality,microbiome,tropics,tropical air,bacteria,fungi,life sciences,environment,health,respiratory diseases,

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