
4 Text Messages To Make Any Man Chase You

4 Text Messages To Make Any Man Chase You -- 4 Text Messages To Make Any Man Chase You

Ladies! Welcome to LoveLearnings TV… I’m Amy North, and if you want to learn my top 4 texts to send a man and get him to chase after you, keep watching, because that’s what you’ll learn in the next few minutes!

These texts that I’ll be sharing with you here in this video are just a few of the sneaky powerful example texts I share in my comprehensive program, Text Chemistry. Learn more texts like the ones I’m about to cover by visiting … but go there AFTER this video is over, because we’re about to dive into text #1…!

Text #1 - The “Challenge” Text

I don’t think it’s any secret that men love a challenge, is it? Competitiveness is genetically hard-wired into the male mind, so you might as well use that to your advantage by sending a text that offers him a challenge.

For example, you could challenge him to a game you know he enjoys by texting something like:

-- “Heard you’re a decent poker player… bet you dinner you can’t beat me in a 1-on-1 heads up game!”

Or if you happen to know he’s a bit of an amateur chef, you could challenge him to cook your favorite meal by saying:

-- “Your friend said you’re a pretty good cook…. Care to prove it by making me a delicious lasagna tomorrow night?!”

Doesn’t really matter what your challenge involves, just make it something that will tap in to his competitive nature and make him want to show you his skills. Most guys will be thrilled at the chance to show off for you.

Text #2 - The “Flattery” Text

As ladies, we’re pretty used to getting compliments from other people. But a lot of women don’t realize that this is a lot more rare for guys -- it’s not often they get their ego stroked by a pretty girl, so flattering a man with a thoughtful compliment can actually be a really effective text message that will skyrocket his attraction for you… and make him want to be around you as much as possible.

Now there’s two important things to keep in mind when you’re sending a guy this type of “Flattery Text”... firstly, avoid being overly obvious or cliché when you’re choosing to compliment him on something. If he has piercingly blue eyes, it’s pretty likely he’s heard that one before, so choose something less obvious to compliment him on.

Secondly, make sure you’re as detailed as possible when you send this text. So instead of saying something generic like, “I love your amazing smile!” you would be better off saying, “Your little cheek dimples are so incredibly cute!”.

Now, let’s dive into an example of the flattery text so you know exactly what I’m talking about here… and let’s start with a G-rated example. You could say something like:

-- “I was just thinking about how well you handled that rude guy at work yesterday… you’re so diplomatic, you could talk your way out of prison! I wish I had the ability to stay cool in situations like that the way you do...”

See how specific that is? And how unorthodox that type of compliment is? Not only is that type of text going to make him blush, it’ll also be something he remembers for a long time, and he’ll associate the positive feeling with you.

And for another example that’s a bit more evocative, you could text him to say:

-- “You have the strongest, sexiest arms in the world… would you mind wrapping them around me later? ;-)”

It’s that easy! Think of something you know he’ll like hearing and try out this text on a guy tonight and see for yourself how well it works…

Text #3 - The “Playful Tease” Text

If you’ve seen the free tutorial video on my website,, then you know that teasing a man is a very effective way to turn him on and make him chase you… so, it stands to reason this is a great type of text message to send a guy, too.

One quick disclaimer about this type of text message, though: when you’re teasing a guy through text, you really need to be sure he’ll understand you’re joking. Most of the time this is going to be obvious, but use a winky emoji or a “dot dot dot” at the end of your text just to be sure he knows you’re teasing him.

So, as an example, let’s imagine you’re texting a guy that just got home from a friend’s bachelor party… when you’re asking him about how the trip went, you could tease him by saying:

-- “Hey! How was the weekend? Did you enjoy sharing a bed with your friend Steve again?!? ;-)”

Or you could go after his ego by poking fun at how poorly he did during a recent game of bowling or golf by texting him something along the lines of:

-- “So uhhh… next time we go bowling with my friends, do you think you could beat at least ONE of the girls?! ;-)”


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