
Venus May Have Been Habitable

Venus May Have Been Habitable The atmosphere of Venus is corrosive, scorching-hot, and extremely toxic. The planet's peppered with fire-breathing volcanoes, massive mountains, countless craters, and gigantic lava plains. The temperatures on the planet are so incredibly high that they could melt lead. And the atmospheric pressure is so immense that it would instantly crush any living being.

But recently, scientists have discovered that millions of years ago, Venus was probably nothing like the uninhabitable, hostile world it is today! The newest scientific theory claims that Venus could’ve had a pleasant, stable climate for billions of years before something went wrong. In fact, the planet resembled Earth as it used to be at the beginning of its life...

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What is Venus like? 0:26
But it wasn't always that way! 1:32
What made Venus turn into a sweltering inferno 2:41
Was life there? 4:18
🙂 Some more curious facts about Venus 🙃 5:56

#venus #planets #brightside

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Observations suggest Venus may have had water oceans in its distant past. A land-ocean pattern like that above was used in a climate model to show how storm clouds could have shielded ancient Venus from strong sunlight and made the planet habitable: By NASA,
The Magellan probe that orbited Venus from 1990 to 1994 was able to peer through the thick Venusian clouds and build up the above image by emitting and re-detecting cloud-penetrating radar. Visible as the bright patch below central North is Venus' highest mountain Maxwell Montes. Other notable features include numerous mountains, coronas, impact craters, tessera, ridges, and lava flows: By NASA,
Animation is created by Bright Side.

- Astronomers did thorough research and built a model of a virtualized Venus-like world.
- This model demonstrated that for most of its history, the hot planet had oceans with liquid water, adequate temperatures, and stable tectonic plates.
- During that time, the planet was most likely covered with oceans, which were from 30 to 1,000 ft deep. Also, some water was locked in the soil of the planet.
- For 3 billion years, right until something irrevocable happened 700 million years ago, Venus could’ve been habitable!
- The main theory links the dramatic changes on Venus with a massive geological event which made more than 80% of the planet resurface.
- The magma solidified on the surface of the planet, covering the rocks with a thick, impenetrable layer. And this barrier prevented the rocks from reabsorbing the CO2.
- The atmosphere on the planet soon became 90 times as dense as on Earth. It’s no wonder that, combined with enormous amounts of CO2, it led to a runaway greenhouse effect.
- Even though the climate of Venus changed so dramatically, and the planet seems to be totally uninhabitable, scientists don't deny that one day the hot planet could be transformed again!
- This planet has the most circular orbit of all the planets in the Solar System.
- Venus has more volcanoes than any other planet in the Solar System. Astronomers have already discovered up to 1,600 on the surface, but there might be others, too small for people to see.
- Winds on Venus can reach incredible speeds. In the middle cloud layer of the atmosphere, they can accelerate up to 450 miles per hour! And that's faster than the swiftest tornado on our planet.
- Venus’ slow rotation causes its magnetic field to be way weaker than that of Earth.
- Venus is one of the very few planets we can see crossing in front of the sun. Unfortunately, it happens very rarely.
- Venus is the brightest planet in the sky. And, it's the second brightest celestial object, after the Moon.

Music by Epidemic Sound

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