
The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, who only accept your best.

The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, who only accept your best. Episode #291 - The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, who only accept your best.

Start everyday with the Good Morning Minute of Inspiration Podcast; as we discuss today's quote of the day and spread some insight on developing a Positive Attitude and the Mental Toughness to succeed in Athletics, Life and Business.

Hi this is Coach P – Jim Pusateri and your listening to the Good Morning minute of Inspiration podcast. Each day we will bring you a short inspirational podcast to kick off your morning and put you in the positive attitude needed to succeed and WIN the DAY!

Jim Pusateri is always looking for new opportunities where he can offer his knowledge, experience and creativity. send request to:

Have a question, like to have something discussed on our show, have a favorite quote you would like us to feature on the podcast? Email us your questions and requests at:

Would you like our FREE booklet on the 5-P's of success? It fully explains how to develop the Mental Toughness to succeed. send us an email or submit your email address in the pop-up window on our website.

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Jim Pusateri (Coach “P”) My passion is to educate and inspire people to MOVE FORWARD toward success. How can I help you develop the Mental Toughness to succeed?

Coach P,Jim Pusateri,Inspiration,Good Morning,

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