
The great enemies of sexual pleasure

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The great enemies of sexual pleasure.

We know that a healthy sex life increases intimacy and complicity in the couple, reinforcing it, giving it power and spark.

But not only that, but it is also positive on a personal level: it strengthens our self-esteem, our well-being, and our self-confidence.

Therefore, our sexual relations must be taken care of ... but without becoming obsessed with being perfect. As we always say: any pressure is negative.

Today I will introduce you to the main enemies of sexual pleasure, so you can detect when they approach and learn to fight them.

 Whether you're sexually satisfied or not, pay attention and don't let them get into your bed ...

1. Stress.

It is something purely physiological: when we are stressed we release a hormone called cortisol, which puts us alert and prepares us to act quickly and effectively at any risk.

This hormone is incompatible with the sexual response and therefore reduces our desire. Because who has time to think about sex if there is a threat to which we have to react quickly?

To fight against stress, try to dedicate yourself time to rest, do pleasant activities for yourself (exercise, prepare your favorite food, walk, go to the movies ...) and block the thoughts that lead you to fall into a state of anxiety.

Also, avoid constantly anticipating what will happen, and focus on your present well-being.

2. Low self-esteem.

It becomes more difficult for someone to like you if you do not believe in your personal attraction and power. Insecurity in yourself, loving yourself little, can play you bad tricks on your bed.

If you have negative thoughts about yourself, for example, when seeing your naked body, do not be surprised that the sexual relationship is frustrated.

The more satisfied you feel with your body and with yourself in general, the more pleasure you will feel and make your partner feel. Take care of your body to look your best, but also learn to accept its imperfections.

3. Having the mind elsewhere.

If you are not focused on what you are doing ... the body gets confused. Sexual pleasure is, after all, in the brain.

When you have sexual relationships, focus your attention only on yourself and your partner, feel fully in every moment, every feeling in the here and now.

Perceive all the details of you two and forget about the rest. Whenever you can, adapt the context and choose the optimal moment so that nothing can distract you.

4. Fears, insecurities, pressures ...

The fear of not being able to satisfy the other, destructive criticism, self-demands ... all this prevents us from enjoying it to the fullest because it deconcentrates us and takes us out of the here and now that we were talking about in the previous point.

The freer you feel, the best everything will flow.

5. Routine, tiredness, laziness.

Do not let them bitter you. It's just a matter of organizing your priorities. Not everything is work, obligations, and responsibilities. Leave some time for yourself, and for your partner.

Learn to relax, treat yourself, pamper yourself. And remember that the best solution to the routine is creativity.

Why don't you intend to do something new and different with your partner every week, something that motivates you and excites you?

Do not let yourself fall into the boring monotony. That slowly kills desire ...

It's funny: often, the main enemy of our sexual pleasure is ourselves.

In conclusion, the keys to overcoming obstacles to sexual pleasure are three: adapt the circumstances of the environment, modify your harmful behaviors or habits and reformulate certain negative thoughts.

If you succeed, healthy and quality sex is guaranteed.

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