
Imamology Basics - P 04 - Politicians' games with the religion

Imamology Basics - P 04 - Politicians' games with the religion یعتقد جمیع علماء الشیعة، بأنّ المراد من اُولی الأمر هم المعصومون ولا یمكن أن یكون فی كلّ زمان إلاّ شخص واحد حصرا حجة من الله تعالي و إماما للناس، وهذا الشخص كان فی زمن نزول القرآن وبعد رحیل النبی الأكرم(صلى الله علیه و آله سلم) هو أمیرالمؤمنین علی بن أبی طالب وبعده أحد عشر من ذرّیته من الأئمّة المعصومین عليهم السلام
There are innumerable traditional reports related through Shia and Sunni channels that confirm this matter: they can be seen the books of Kafi, Ghaibat Nomani, Kamaluddin, Ghayat al-Maraam, Tafseer Burhan, Biharul Anwar and Manaqib etc. We present herewith some of them from Tafseer Burhanwithout their chains of narrators:
It is narrated from Jabir Ibne Abdullah Ansari that he said:
When the Almighty Allah revealed the following verse on His Prophet:
“O ye who believe! Obey Allah and obey the messenger and those possessing authority among you.”
I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! We know Allah and His Messenger. But who are the possessors of authority whose obedience Allah has accompanied with your obedience?’ He (S) explained, “They are my caliphs, O Jabir, and the Imams of the Muslims after me. The first of them is Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as), then Hasan (as) and Husain (as), then Ali Ibn Husain (as), then Muhammad Ibn Ali (as) the one who is famous as al-Baqir in the Old Testament. Soon, you will meet him, O Jabir, so when you face him, convey my salutation to him.
He will be followed by Sadiq, Ja’far Ibn Muhammad, then Moosa Ibn Ja’far, then Ali Ibn Moosa, then Muhammad Ibn Ali, then Ali Ibn Muhammad, then al-Hasan Ibn Ali, then the one who will be my namesake and bear my patronymic, the proof of Allah in His earth and His remainder among His servants, the son of Hasan Ibn Ali. He (aj) is the one at whose hands Allah, High be His remembrance, will open the east of the earth and its west. He (aj) is the one who will be concealed from his Shias and his friends, an occultation in which none will be steadfast on the belief of his Imamate except the one whose heart has been tested by Allah for faith.”
Jabir says that he asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah (S)! Will the Shias benefit from him during the occultation?’ He (S) replied, “Yes, by the One Who sent me with Prophethood! Surely they will benefit with his light and gain from his mastership in his occultation like people derive benefit from the sun when the clouds hide it. O Jabir! This is from the hidden secrets of Allah and the treasures of His knowledge, so hide it except from the ones worthy of it.”

امام شناسی – الإمامة – معرفة الإمام – الحجة – Imamologie – Imamology,الولاية – الحب,Essentiality of the Imama – Leaders – Leadership,infallibility,divinely endowed with knowledge,moral excellence,miracles,extraordinary genius,divine ordination,authorization,Imam,Leadership,Democracy,أطیعوا الله و أطیعوا الرسول و اولى الأمر منكم,Divinely Elected,Leaders,

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