
EVEN SO, COME - Hymns of Dawn No. 92

EVEN SO, COME - Hymns of Dawn No. 92 Hope of our hearts! O Lord, appear,
Thou glorious Star of day
Shine forth and chase the dreary night,
With all our fears, away.

We've waited long, we're waiting still,
Longing with thee to be.
Our eye is on the royal crown
Prepared for us and thee.

O! the blest hope of sharing, Lord,
Thy glory from above,
Is linked with that most precious thought,
Thine everlasting love;

And with the joy, the holy joy,
Unmingled, pure and free,
Of union with our living Head,
And fellowship with thee.

This joy e'en now in part is ours,
This fellowship begun;
But O! what rapture shall we know
When victory's fully won.

There, near thy heart, upon the throne,
Thy ransomed bride shall see
What grace was in the bleeding Lamb
Who died to make her free.

O! what are all our suff'rings here,
If, Lord, thou count us meet
With that enraptured host t' appear,
And worship at thy feet!

Even so come,Hymns of Dawn No. 92,hope of our hearts,O Lord appear,O Lord,Lord,Thou glorious Star of day,star,day,glorious,Shine forth and chase the dreary night,night,shine,With all our fears away,fears,We've waited long,we're waiting still,waited,Longing with thee to be,Our eye is on the royal crown,eye,crown,Prepared for us and thee,O! the blest hope of sharing Lord,Thy glory from above,Is linked with that most precious thought,And with the joy the holy joy,

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