
Can Pigeons Spread Disease..? LIVE Debate || People In The Vicinity Of Pigeons Are At Risk

Can Pigeons Spread Disease..? LIVE Debate || People In The Vicinity Of Pigeons Are At Risk Pigeon droppings harbor a fungus that could lead to hardening of lung issues in humans and controlling the infection in the birds will help in reducing the incidence of lung diseases in Mumbai, said doctors at a conference in the city to discuss on zoonotic diseases or infections that can be passed between animals and humans.

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Pigeons Are Threat To Humans,Pigeons,Vicinity Of Pigeons Are At Risk,lung issues,infection in the birds,lung diseases,animals,humans,animals and humans,Pigeon droppings harbor,Medical News Today,Infections of pigeons,human diseases,risk of humans,zoonotic diseases,parasites,greater risk to human,rats with wings,pigeons spread diseases,urban myth,bit trickier,nausea,fever,cramps,Histoplasmosis,Candidiasis,Salmonellosis,E. coli,

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