Dice Tower East Registration is going on now!
0:22 Welcome
1:31 What I Found on the Internet This Week
4:46 We Game Together
7:23 ESSENtials
9:50 Dice Tower Productions
10:56 The Theme Is…
12:39 Ryan and Bethany Board Game Reviews
14:30 Tom Thinks
17:46 Second Chance Shelf
19:45 Quick Draw
20:46 Closing Thoughts
This Weeks Internet Links, Tom takes us through one of his favorite sites:
Check out the friendliest conventions on Earth!
Dice Tower Con East! - (July 1-5, 2020)
Dice Tower West! - www.dicetowerwest.com (Feb 26 - Mar 1, 2020)
Dice Tower Cruise! - www.dicetowercruise.com
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