
Apple Safari Tampermonkey Userscript Demo of Customized Google Website — on Acid

Apple Safari Tampermonkey Userscript Demo of Customized Google Website — on Acid I code custom userscripts to alter the look and behavior of websites in Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc. (and browsers in Windows, Linux & Chrome OS) via the Tampermonkey extension for both myself and clients to make them more productive and scandalous in various ways. AFAIK, Tampermonkey is derived from the Firefox Greasemonkey extension, but GM doesn't exist for Safari and I've found I've liked TM over GM overall in most of my use cases, but YMMV.

Tampermonkey extension (more on this toward bottom of this description) made by Jan Biniok.

Donate to Jan Biniok to keep 'murica free from interface terror and Apple sanitizing their stuff to the point of uselessness:

I can't show some of the more "productive" things I do for security purposes, but here's a silly example of customizations I made with the Google search website within the Safari browser to give an idea of the power one has if you know a little coding and some basic, crafty reverse-engineering of popular websites, etc.

I've changed the background (I stole from Startpage) among other aesthetics of Google including the search area and its dropdown dialog. I added some custom weather and formatted the weather interface to how I prefer to see it and function. The weather refreshes on a timer I set and every time I open the page. If the weather takes a sec to load for any reason it doesn't matter as I can still search Google and stuff before or while it loads asynchronously.

The main logo changes depending upon if I'm signed in or not. Changed some text, removed stuff I don't like or need, etc within Google's interface. Also, when I'm signed in I have the search field get populated with text to remind me of that fact in case I don't notice the logo change.

It's also responsive when I change the browser window size so it looks fine and is still functional when I smoosh the browser window into a tiny, but fierce rectangle — or any size in between. I'll add another video showing the responsive properties if anyone cares to see it. There's other easter eggs, but I just showed the asteroid game I bastardized with a dog head because I got lazy and needed to wrap up the screencast so I'd have time to write this incredibly long description that absolutely no one with a short attn span will read. Since no one is reading this now, imma bout to get wild below...

I turned off the live security cam window that normally shows up on the right because I didn't want to hide its view for this entire video or leave it on and expose anyone using the women's locker room shower where the cam is placed. That was a joke and a bad one and I apologize to no one for it. There is a cam window, but it's the tunnels under the Denver International Airport.

Apple murdered Tampermonkey and other extensions like it in Safari 13 to make Safari more secure (apparently). Tampermonkey only works in Safari 12 if you already have it installed.

I uploaded this video to bring attention to the Tampermonkey developer who is currently struggling with Apple to bring this incredibly useful tool to the new App Store for Safari.

Please send this developer some money for the stunning effort. Whether they use Windows, Mac, Linux, etc. users should have control over their own computer experiences, not corporations.

Link to Apple issue:

Donate to Jan:

Smoke Snacks & Hail Sagan,


P.S. Hero whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed the fact that Apple, Microsoft, etc. have had backdoors installed for the NSA. These corporations claimed to not know, but the leaked documents showed that to be a lie. While we Americans run around like headless chickens frightened of Russia, the NSA has access to all our personal secrets and business secrets. And, yes, Google is basically the NSA. YouTube demonetizes progressives. Reddit and Twitter throttles and censors progressives too. Please elect Bernie Sanders into office. He's literally the only candidate we can trust to work for the people and by the people to get some of our human rights back. Warren is a fraud and Biden is Biden. Also climate disaster is happening much faster than they’re telling you and we need to act much faster than they’re telling you. Also, Joe Rogan needs to either take more drugs or take less drugs to further open his mind to progressives instead of conservative maniacs. There's too much of a block there, Joey. And, yes, our military has publicly admitted that UFO aliens are here now. If you're an alien and reading this please hang out with me in Denver at your earliest convenience and take me for a joy ride.

DISCLAIMER: Jan Biniok has nothing to do with my opinions, this video, etc. so don't hate on Jan Biniok, please hate me and do it so hard my nips get tingly.

[end of overly long stupid screed meant to drum up SEO and Halloween spells]

apple,safari,tampermonkey,mac,windows,firefox,chrome,linux,extensions,customize,hack,code,iamthewalrus,joe rogan,bernie sanders,dogs,cowicide,Jan Biniok,warren,browser,screencast,screenshot,responsive,edward snowden,ufo,aliens,your momma,Denver International Spaceport,Denver,Colorado,Human Rights,

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