
2019 10 27 John Haller's Prophecy Update -Chaos and Disorder

2019 10 27 John Haller's Prophecy Update -Chaos and Disorder God is not the author of confusion, yet chaos and disorder have become a worldwide epideminc.

That is the goal of the adversary. He continues to deceive and mislead with increasing frequency. From a "jury of peers" ruling that it is ok to chemically castrate a 7 year old boy to transition him to a girl, to the utter insanity of the left making LGBTQ rights a priority in their campaign, people are so busy trying to sort through the muck, they have become detached from the Word of God and the promises contained therein.

Do not lose faith. He will fulfill all that He has promised, but all in His timing. All we can do in the meantime is stand fast on the truth and not become faint of heart. For the world hates us not because of us, but because of the One who gave it all to reconcile us to the Father.

John explains in this week's update entitled "Chaos and Disorder"

FBC,Holy,Teaching,Sermon,Holy Spirit,Prophecy Update,End Times,Bible,Truth The Word,Scripture,,John Haller,Steve Mitchell,Mike Clapham,Fellowship Bible Chapel,Israel,Middle East,Bible Prophecy,Israel 70 Weeks,70th Week,Behold,Amir,JD Farag,Jason A,pretrib,rapture,millennium,Zechariah,revelation,Daniel,Nephilim,Ezekiel,jeremiah,

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