
YEH DAULAT BHI RUTHI | Sixth Song on the Stock Market | By Vijay Kedia

YEH DAULAT BHI RUTHI | Sixth Song on the Stock Market | By Vijay Kedia This is my sixth song on the current situation of the stock market written & sung by me!

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English Translation Below!

Original Music by Jagjit Singh & Chitra Singh
Original Singer: Jagjit Singh & Chitra Singh
Lyrics By: Vijay Kedia
Singer: Vijay Kedia
Video Edited & Directed By Preeti

*Disclaimer: Vijay Kedia doesn't own the music of the song. Only the lyrics are his. All rights of the music are with their original composers and distributors

The wealth was lost
The strength was also lost.
My youth was also mute.
But they didn’t turn and come back to me again.
Those days of laughter and those beautiful nights...

The long term story about the auto shares.
They got punctured that they can’t even ask for water.
There was so much corruption in the bank sector.
That they ruined money of tax payers .
Till yesterday where everyday there was a celebration.
Now look how there is gloominess.

Those days of laughter and those beautiful nights...

The infra sector that everybody thought was like gold
Has become like a toy made out of sand
PSUs have gotten messed
And NBFCs have gone haywire
The pharma shares have now become old.
The alcohol shares have gained their youth.

Those days of laughter and those beautiful nights...

Promoters who we thought were kings.
They misused the system.
Few fund managers who behaved like heroes.
Have made my dmat accounts zero.

I told beloved Modiji and he told me to wait
The good days will come back again.

Those days of laughter and those beautiful nights

#ShareBazaar #VijayKedia #BSE #Song


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