
Trudeau and Jagmeet continued talk of Privilege should be considered a hate crime.

Trudeau and Jagmeet continued talk of Privilege should be considered a hate crime. I am sick and tired of hearing this bullshit talk about privilege. Immigration / immigrants and refugees shouldn't come here and complain. They should come and fit in. Are leaders should ask these people to fit in instead of labeling Canadians like they do. Referring to Canadians as being privileged and white supremacy all the time is enough for me to say, lets find an alternative to immigration. Lets look to pay Canadians to bring up our birthrate. I am tired of being hurt by our government. I am tired of watching Canadians being replaced. I don't need to feel lesser of a person in my own country. Yes Trudeau, you have divided this father from wanting more immigration. Now you will label me radical.Your the radical, I'm the Canadian. I will stand strong against this bullshit until its against the law to do so. One day that will come if we do nothing.


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