
Taking Notes - Receiving Divine Direction

Taking Notes - Receiving Divine Direction In this week's YoutTube video I share some of my experiences this week that allowed me to truly find a state of positivity with something I did not prefer.

The world is a stage. All it’s people are the actors and the directors. Coming from a background of theater, I continue to live from this idea as a metaphor for human experience on planet earth. It is an experience. A show. A play. A grand story. While in a theater play, or a movie, the actor has the benefit of knowing most of the character’s story, or at least the arch of why we are telling the story at all. It is with all the information in the script that the actor build’s the understanding of the character so they can then, play, become, be. Here on planet earth, in the ultimate improv show, we don’t have that framework of knowing where the character arch is going, and as a result we can some times have a challenging time, “playing ourselves”. Certainly as we are re-defining our beliefs and creating our characters over and over in each and every moment. It is a different structure.

In theater and film, the director will often give the actor notes to help them “sink their teeth” into the character more. There may be clues in specific scenes or lines that will help the actor see something they might have missed. A good director will never tell an actor outright what they need to do, they will nudge them in one direction or the other. This allows the actor to still make their own choices, find their own translations of what the director may be seeing and desiring for the greater story.

Especially when it comes to interpersonal “drama” conflict, challenge with our friends, family, loved ones, people that we know we respect in our lives, we can choose to see these moments as a divine director’s note. An aspect of the greater show that is showing us something we may have missed in building our characters. We are being shown a plot point, a turning point, a beat change in our one moment improv structure. It is then, as always the actor’s choice how they apply the note.

When we take the moment to remember that we are just honestly responding in this experience, the show of life; these moments of drama, things that we may not outright prefer, truly become our greatest teachers. And the cast mates following their honest responses, our most encouraging directors. These notes are what allow the actor and the character, our spirits and our minds, to truly come together and fly through the heart of this experience.


Thank you to all my new subscribers and to all of you who continue to support my journey! I sincerely appreciate it.

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divine direction,spirituality,consciousness,starseed,the world is a stage,take note,respond,know thyself,

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