There is much debate about why children are so playful.
Karl Groos, a philosopher, suggested that play has evolved as a safe way to learn skills needed for survival. Animals for example, play fight and practise hunting with each other. This may have been applicable to our ancestors but these days children play to practise and develop the physical and mental skills they will need later in life.
Dry Deck fountains are something different and radical in every manner. Such fountains are designed with uniqueness being the most important factor and inevitably every such fountain project is unique both design- and construction-wise. Some designs involve delicate water streams popping out of a mall’s main plaza, creating water balls and other effects for children to play and grownups to gaze, while others involve massive water streams coming out of rocks, resembling to natural geysers both in form and effect.
Children focus on searching for fun, so think about what is fun for them and why it isn’t fun for adults. Think too about how children move on from baby toys to more advanced ones and no longer find the baby toys fun. We are programmed to be interested in new things, and we learn a lot of physics from simple toys. Babies are physicists: they like to study the way things move and interact, plus the sounds they make when you hit or drop them. (Note: hitting and dropping babies is not recommended.) They get bored with the simple physics though and move on to more advanced topics, perhaps moving on into engineering, working with construction toys. Dolls, teddies, etc. are also interesting to them because they provide an opportunity to come up with story ideas to act out with them, often exploring emotionally interesting situations. It’s all new and interesting to them: they are exploring possibility. (Writers continue to play in the same way but without the physical props, working instead with imagined characters in their heads.)
Why are adults no longer playful? Well, they actually are, but much less is new to them. Why play with toy cars when you’ve got a real one and when you spent thousands of hours exploring the full range of possibilities for toy ones when you were a child? There’s nothing to go back there for - it’s become dull. Most childhood play is dull to adults because they’ve done it all long ago and they ran out of possibilities for it. Adults have a severe lack of affordable toys to play with because they’ve done everything inexpensive already and there’s nothing new that doesn’t cost a lot. They can take up an expensive hobby though, perhaps flying a drone and taking video from it, and that could lead to years of obsession with that hobby, all of which is just the same kind of play as children go in for, but because it’s an expensive toy, it isn’t so accessible to children. Prices are getting lower though, so today’s top-of-the-range drones will end up as children’s toys too before long. Adults might also buy a boat (which is something few children can do), and then they go out sailing without this being classed as play. The latest sailing toys are boats with hydrofoils costing £20,000 plus. Children are often forced to play in their imagination because they can’t access the real tools they’d like to have access to, but this still allows them to practice things and explore ideas in their heads, finding out things which would not have occurred to them otherwise.
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