
Learn English through Hindi. Class #22. Usage of within, need not, etc

Learn English through Hindi. Class #22. Usage of within, need not, etc Usage of need not, within/in, etc...
Links of the previous videos…

- Class #1 (Introduction to Verbs)

- Class #2 (Usage of don’t)

- Class #3 (Subjects)

- Class #4 (Unique verbs)

- Class #5 (Usage of at, on, before, etc)

- Class #6 (Ownerships, Possessions, etc)

- Class #7 (Time periods)

- Class #8 (Making sentences with Time Periods)

- Tips & Tricks #1 (Usage of capital letters)

- Class #9 (Possessions & Ownerships – II)

- Class #10 (List of relationships)

- Class #11 (Making sentences with relationships)

- Class #12 (List of Prepositions)

- Class #13 (Prepositions-2)

- Class #14 (Prepositions-3)

- Class #15 (Prepositions-4)

- Exercise #1 (Practice sentences for Time periods, etc)

- Class #16 (Prepositions-5)

- Class #17 (vocabularies)

- Class #18 (usage of Vocabularies like sometime, long time, etc)

- Class #19 (Verbs 1st set)

- Class #20 (Tenses)

- Class #21 (Verbs 2nd set)


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