
Is the Spirit of Allah also God?

Is the Spirit of Allah also God? Contrary to the God of Christianity, Muslims believe that Allah is not JUST a singular being but also a singular person. As we continue with this series, Al Fadi and Sam Shamoun unearth more evidences within the Quran to ask the Question:
Does the Quran teach that not only is Allah’s spirit distinct from him, but can also give life?

Going through Surah 66 (chapter 66) ayat 12 (verse 12), Sam exegetes the text to show that Mary the Mother of Jesus is actually inferred by the Quran as the sister of Moses referencing Surah 19 (chapter 19) ayat 28 (verse 28).
The problem with this? Either Mary the mother of Jesus is 1,300 years old, given the time difference between Moses and Jesus, or this an error within the Quran.

Further on, Sam once again takes on the common belief held by Muslims that God is “one in essence and one in spirit” by providing further evidence to support the claim that the Spirit of Allah is actually God, following the Spirit’s role in providing the miracle conception of Jesus in Surah 66 ayat 12.

So what else is needed to convince Muslims of the divine nature of the Allah's spirit in the Quran?

al fadi,quran,mohammad,tawhid,tawheed,spirit of allah,mary,moses,virgin,dualism,

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