
Integers, Absolute Value, How to Solve Absolute Value Equations, Odd and Even Numbers

Integers, Absolute Value, How to Solve Absolute Value Equations, Odd and Even Numbers This video is about integers, Absolute Value, How to Solve Absolute Value Equations, and Odd and Even numbers.

This video discusses several topics. The first is about integers. What are integers are non-integers.

The second topic discussed here is about absolute value. It explains that the absolute value of a number only the number itself disregarding the signs.

Since the absolute value is never negative.

The next is about how to solve the equation of an absolute value.

Solving absolute value equation is different than the usual solving of the value for x since in an absolute value equation the unknown has two values.

The next topics are about odd and even numbers. What are the differences between them and how do you determine if the number is odd or even.

There are also 3 sets of practice problems relating to the given topics. It will let the viewers practice what they have learned.

integers,absolute value,absolute value equations,odd numbers,even numbers,odd and even numbers,

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