
In Totally Unsurprising Move, DNC Accomplishes Its Mission To Keep Tulsi Gabbard Out of Next Debate

In Totally Unsurprising Move, DNC Accomplishes Its Mission To Keep Tulsi Gabbard Out of Next Debate With only 10 candidates allowed for one night of debates at this point of the primary, the standards for candidates to be able to qualify to participate has become extremely strict for the 20 or so Democrats that are running for the 2020 nomination.

One of the candidates that most notably stood out, since her last debate appearance in July is Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), who really made an impression on viewers, and the audience, when she called out Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) for her prosecutorial record.

Now, with higher demands for reaching poll numbers, the DNC seems to be cherry-picking specific poll results in a way to make sure that certain candidates don't qualify, while the ones that are more favored by the party manage to somehow make the cut.

Unfortunately, that seems to be the criteria utilized against Gabbard, where the Democratic National Committee (DNC) isn't accepting certain poll results, because they feel aren't representative of the party's electorate, instead choosing to ignore them for other polls.


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Tulsi Gabbard,2020 primary election,Democratic Party,Democratic National Committee,DNC,Political Debate,Political Poll,Kamala Harris,

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