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0:30 Know your damage potential
1:53 Thinking about summoner spells
2:20 Setting up kills
Editors: Anatolii "t0x1" Yarovyi
Voice: Isaac “Pekin Woof” Maronis
Playing as an aggressive mid laner means solo killing your opponent will be something you need to learn. Solo killing is important because most aggressive mid laners have a strong early game where you’re going to be able to punish your opponent and you’re going to be able to do that to the point where you can solo kill them.
Concepts: mid, mid laner, how to harass, how to zone, aggressive mid, mid aggression, reading movements, wave control, wave management, baiting, damage potential, summoner spells, how to flash engage, league of legends, lol, mobalytics, academy series
Mobalytics Partners:
Skill Capped, Phy, Midbeast, TF Blade, IWDominate, Rakin, Team Liquid, OMEN, LearningFives, Summoners' Society, RedMercy, PantsAreDragon, Foxdrop, BunnyFuFu, CaptainMonkHD, Dong Huap, Gbay99, Heizman, Huzzygames, Katlife, Kiandymundi, LLStylez, Nasteey, Professor Akali, Rvzstealth, SirhcEz, SoloRenektonOnly, Tilterella, Trick2g, Youmuus, Xpecial, Pekin Woof
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