
Forty one years ago today, Cinema Rex in the city of Abadan was set on fire by Khomeini's order to p

Forty one years ago today, Cinema Rex in the city of Abadan was set on fire by Khomeini's order to p Forty one years ago today, Cinema Rex in the city of Abadan was set on fire by Khomeini's order to provoke fear and to blame 420 deaths on Shah of Iran.

In the following vid of Mohsen Safaei Farahani, confessed that Islamic militia perpetrated the attack.
‏افشاگری بعداز ۴۰سال

توسط محسن صفایی مقدم:

جنایت سینما رکس آبادان
توسط خود انقلابی‌ها انجام شد،

عوامل آن
بعدها نماینده مجلس شدند.
بهراد دشتی
Behrad Dashti


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