
Create an Artist Influence Grid

Create an Artist Influence Grid About This Video:

Rich Kunz of Diligent Visual demonstrates some basic Photoshop techniques for creating a visual interest or personal style sheet. This video serves as a review of the processes learned in class. The exercise will provide students with some core Photoshop skills as well as serve as an exploration of their unique personal visual influences.

The primary purpose of the channel is to help develop a strong community of aspiring and professional artists. If you are serious about artistic growth, please consider subscribing. Please feel free to comment should you have any input, suggestions or questions.

Check out some awesome examples of Influence Maps online by clicking the link below!

Title Sequence Audio provided by:
TITLE: Dudel Rock
ARTIST: Nicolai Heidlas and Stefan Schaulinski

how to be an artist,art training,art education,art school,graphic design,photographer,learn to be an artist,learn to be a designer,how to think like an artist,explore creativity,visual art influence,art inspiration,finding creativity,why do you like what you like,discovering your art style,looking for unique art style,artistic thinking,

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