
Build killer legs and glutes without weights! Upper|lower split 1 of 2: Lower body

Build killer legs and glutes without weights! Upper|lower split 1 of 2: Lower body In this video I walk you through the lower body portion of the upper/ lower split based around 1 set to failure of 6 lower body movements. This workout will work the Glutes and legs thoroughly.

Here is the link for the upper body session:

Here are the 6 movements along with time stamps as well as links to their more detailed instructional videos

1.) 4:09 Single leg squat

2.) 4:43 Glute bridge

3.)5:16 Glute Abduction/ Clamshell

4.) Quad Extension 5:34 (Will add link to video as soon as I shoot the video)

5.) Single leg standing calf raise 6:00

6.) 90 degree calf raise 6:19

6:32 I perform the training session (it's brutal)

22:56 Wrapping it up

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bodyweight strength,full workout,lower body worlout,glute training,glute workout at home,training glutes without weights,calisthenics,at home workouts,upper lower split,lower body training,body weight leg day,body weight leg training,

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