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#ThyroidTreatment #ThyroidProblems #Bestie
Good Fats - 0:59
Regular Exercise and Sauna - 1:20
Increase Iodine Intake - 1:47
Ashwagandha - 2:11
Coconut Oil - 2:35
Slow down your eating - 2:54
Do Yoga Regularly - 3:27
East Citrus fruits daily - 3:51
Ginger - 4:09
Eggs - 4:25
Yoghurt - 4:38
Avoid Soy - 5:05
Avoid Stress - 5:31
Drink plenty of water - 5:58
Expose yourself to the sun - 6:22
Reduce cellphone time - 6:44
1. Good Fats: Good fats are your friend and cholesterol is the precursor to heal your thyroid. If you are getting insufficient fat and cholesterol, your body could have a hormonal imbalance, which includes thyroid hormones. Some natural, healthful fats include olive oil, coconut oil, ghee; avocados and flax seeds.
2. Regular Exercise and Sauna: Exercise stimulates thyroid gland and increases tissue sensitivity to thyroid hormones throughout the body. Ideally, you will want to sweat, and the exercise should be vigorous. Besides being an excellent way to relax your muscles and your mind, saunas, or steam baths are a good way to flush your system of pesticides that could be contributing to your thyroid problem.
3. Increase Iodine Intake: Your body requires iodine to produce thyroid hormones. However, your body cannot make iodine, so you need to get iodine from you diet. Foods such as cheese, milk, whole eggs, and seaweed are rich in Iodine.However,avoid consuming large amounts of iodine because excess iodine can worsen thyroid problem.
4. Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is a herb that can work wonders in balancing your thyroid hormones. Often used to strengthen one’s immunity, this herb can also help in reducing stress and enhancing your stamina. These properties of ashwagandha make it one of the best options to treat thyroid and its symptoms naturally. You can take this in the form of capsules made from powdered ashwagandha.
5. Coconut Oil: Coconut oil has been proven to work wonders for people with a thyroid problem. It contains medium-chain fatty acids that can help combat thyroid by increasing your metabolism and body tempeiodinerature. You should consume coconut oil daily at least 2-3 times, either directly or by adding it to your favorite salad or dish.
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