
Zeal and Determination – August 13, 2019

Zeal and Determination – August 13, 2019 Zeal and Determination – August 13, 2019

You must have a zeal and be determined to Receive the Prize of Eternal Life, in the end. You must endure and persevere, press on and do Not lose Hope nor give up on Me and My Everlasting Kingdom, or it will be all in vain. No one can expect to Receive The Prize, if they are not willing nor determined to finish their race successfully, according to My Rules. I have No Favoritism and I do Not Discriminate. I Love and I Care for all. It is Not My Will that anyone perish but that all repent to have Eternal Life.

Many lack zeal and determination. They are not eager enough to make it to the end. They fall prey to satan and his lies and give up too quickly, not willing to press on, until the very end. If they do not repent and turn from their wrongful ways, they will perish. I Call them back to Me, their Source of Life but I Force no one. Each one must seek Life and not death. It is a choice.

Some lost their zeal and determination to Serve My Will, My Plan and Purpose in My Everlasting Kingdom. My Calling and Gifts are Irrevocable. You will all Give account for your own deeds and bear the consequences. Do not fall prey to satan and his many schemes. Be steadfast and stay on course. Keep your focus on your ultimate goal and to be in My Perfect Will. Your zeal and determination will not be in vain, if you endure with Me, until the very end. Be wise.

yt:stretch=16:9,Kingdom of Heaven,Kingdom of God,word,truth,Gospel,obey Jesus,follow Jesus,hear Jesus voice,Holy Spirit,Gospel of Jesus Christ,zeal,eager,determined,determination,devoted,passionate,Kingdom of Jesus,Eternal Life,enthusiasm,Love Jesus,

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