
Teenager Struggling with Gynecomastia Raises His Own Money For Treatment

Teenager Struggling with Gynecomastia Raises His Own Money For Treatment Teenager with gynecomastia saves his own money and explains to his family why gynecomastia surgery is so important. Watch Dr. Caridi before, during, and after gynecomastia treatment with a teenager at the Austin Gynecomastia Center. Treating enlarged male breasts early is essential in limiting the negative effects it can have overtime on young men.

Learn more about gynecomastia here:

This young man researched gynecomastia and Dr. Caridi on his own. He even saved his own money for the gynecomastia removal surgery before talking with his family about it. He said that he wanted to get it fixed so bad that started the process alone. His advice, if you are younger and have this condition, and are struggling to speak up about it, is to start saving money on your own and then bring your loved ones all of the information you have found and tell them that you are serious about wanting treatment.

It is very hard for people who are suffering with gyno to talk to anyone about it in fear that they will dismiss it. The staff at the AGC encourage men who are struggling with this to reach out to loved ones and friends so they do not have to feel alone in the process. Treatment should be what they call a “family affair”. Raising awareness for the realities of struggling with gynecomastia can help young men just like him to open up and share their story.

See before and after photos of gynecomastia treatment here:

Gynecomastia typically results from tissue that forms at puberty and fails to go away. If it has been present for over two years and it is still there it isn’t going anywhere without treatment. It is a very common myth that gynecomastia that forms during puberty and stays around will eventually go away. It is always best to treat gynecomastia before it starts to do permanent damage to your psyche. The longer it persists, the more dysfunctional behaviors you will learn. Life is too short to waste living with gynecomastia. You will not wake up one day and it be gone. You have to take the first step to cure. The sooner the better.

Price is the number one factor patients have when deciding on treating their gynecomastia. The price for male breast reduction varies considerably by doctor and region of the country. At the Austin Gynecomastia Center, we take a close look at all patients and only determine a price after evaluating each patient’s specific condition. Patients are evaluated online with a free online consultation directly with Dr. Caridi. On this consultation form is a very important section that asks what your story is. This is a great opportunity for people to tell Dr. Caridi their journey up to reaching out to him, their goals, expectations, and really anything. He is there to listen.

Find out pricing by submitting a free online consultation here:

Gynecomastia is not going to harm you. It is not a cancer. It looks funny. It’s female looking breasts in a man! What it does do is that it gets into your head and starts to control your life. No way are you going to take off your shirt in public. You start to avoid many situations. You slump your shoulders down and forward to hide it and your posture suffers. You can’t avoid it. Great news though! It’s very treatable and the results are nothing short of liberating and allow you to live the life of your choosing.

Treatment of gynecomastia involves Vaser liposuction and tissue removal. The liposuction is used to contour the fatty tissue while tissue removal is needed to remove the denser tissue that can’t be helped with liposuction alone. This tissue is always under the areolas and if it remains it will result in the gyno symptoms coming back. Once the entire tissue is removed, the area under the nipples oftentimes leaves a depression. To combat this, Dr. Caridi has created what he termed his Internal Flaps. This suture technique has gotten rid of the worry that you can’t get rid of gynecomastia and also have a normal looking chest. “You can have your cake and eat it, too.” If a surgeon says he has to leave “stuff” so your nipples are not depressed, you need to get a second opinion.

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Teenager with gynecomastia,gynecomastia surgery,enlarged male breasts,male breasts,gynecomastia removal,gynecomastia removal surgery,gyno,AGC,austin gynecomastia center,caridi,dr. caridi,robert caridi,struggling with gynecomastia,before and after photos of gynecomastia,price for male breast reduction,price of gynecomastia surgery,gynecomastia surgery cost,Treatment of gynecomastia,Vaser liposuction,

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