
(REQUEST) Time Traveler Subliminal | Nightshade Subliminals

(REQUEST) Time Traveler Subliminal | Nightshade Subliminals This subliminal will allow you to develop the ability to time travel to any point in time in your reality. Be careful about running into your past or future self, as I’m not quite sure how that could affect the timeline, but I’ve put some safety affirmations in just in case. Includes built-in prep and cool-down mini boosters for extra effectiveness.

All my subliminal results are permanent. Listen for as long as you need to to achieve your desired results and finish off with a flush when you have gotten there.

I am accepting requests through Ko-Fi:

Instructions: To use this subliminal, simply play the video at a comfortable volume either through speakers or over headphones and go about your business. Repeat the subliminal about 3-10 times - the more, the better - but know your personal limits and take breaks, if necessary. Please drink lots of water while using subliminals, as it can be very draining - like exercise.

The recommended conditions for quickest subliminal results are over headphones on repeat while you sleep. The recommended playlist arrangement for quickest subliminal results are a pattern of alternating boosters and subliminals. If this is your first time using subliminals, I would recommend using a flush by itself for at least a week before using any other subliminals. Again, these are just recommendations. You are free to use these subliminals however works best for you.

Music Used:
Sappheiros - Memories

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