
Part 3 - How to C your BEAR - become aware of your current unintentional model - The BEAR Model

Part 3 - How to C your BEAR - become aware of your current unintentional model - The BEAR Model
Subscribe to the FREE podcast on iTunes, "The Daily Art of Leading" with Brittany and Joe Nabrotzky

See below for the full list of videos part of the Introduction to the BEAR Model series.

Learn how to solve any struggle or reach any results.

This is what you'd get if you combined all of the self-help and personal development insights into one practical model. Credit goes to Brooke Castillo, as most of the concepts were elevated and inspired by her incredible teachings.

Part 1 - Intro to The BEAR Model
Part 2 - Solve for the root cause of the problem and not the symptom
Part 3 - How to C your BEAR and become aware of your current unintentional model
Part 4 - What do to when you're stressed out and overwhelmed and why we over-eat, over-drink, over-Instagram, or over-anything (Emotional Escapes)
Part 5 - How to stop yelling at your kids
Part 6 - What to do when you hate your job and how to BEAR Up
Part 7 - The #1 reason employees leave companies is not what YOU think...and no, it's not their manager (Don't worry, we'll still teach you what to do when you can't stand your boss)
Part 8 - How to lose weight, get up early to work out, make more money, or any other goal


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