
Finsbury Park terrorist Darren Osborne 'knocks out Muslim paedo in prison'

Finsbury Park terrorist Darren Osborne 'knocks out Muslim paedo in prison' Finsbury Park terrorist Darren Osborne knocked out a Muslim child rapist in prison while yelling “F****** Allahu akbar”, it has been reported. The dad-of-four, 49, was jailed for life last year after driving a rental van into Muslim worshippers outside a North London mosque in 2017. One 51-year-old man died and nine others were injured after the late-night Ramadan prayers. He is now serving a sentence at Wakefield Prison along with Tariq Islam, the man he is alleged to have attacked in prison. The 35-year-old, from Leeds, was jailed for 13 years after his ten-strong gang groomed a 12-year-old Muslim girl, plying her with alcohol before raping her. A source told The Sun: “Osborne was raging. If the prison officers hadn’t got to him when they did Islam could have been killed. “He shouted the place down, yelling ‘F****** Allahu akbar!’ There was blood everywhere.” He reportedly needed hospital treatment after the attack. The men are now on different prison wings and Osborne may have carried out the attack to engineer a move, sources claim. Osborne said he initially planned to “plough through” as many people as possible at the pro-Palestinian Al Quds march in central London in June 2017. However, road closures thwarted his plan and he instead travelled across London in search of a mosque. He eventually ended up in Finsbury Park where he carried out the sick attack. During a trial at Woolwich Crown Court, he initially claimed that a “guy called Dave” was behind the attack. Prosecutor Jonathan Rees said: “The real truth is that none of this happened. “You were the only person in the van and all of this is just a desperate attempt to place Dave in the driver’s seat.” Osborne had also admitted to plotting to kill Jeremy Corbyn and London Mayor Sadiq Khan at a pro-Palestine rally, before abandoning the plan due to tight security. A Prison Service spokeswomen told Daily Star Online: “A prisoner from HMP Wakefield required hospital treatment after being assaulted on Wednesday 24 July. “The incident was referred to the police who are now investigating.”

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