
Dutch Sheets: Releasing the Hovering Power of Holy Spirit

Dutch Sheets: Releasing the Hovering Power of Holy Spirit Dutch provides a rich meal of revelation taken from the overflow of truth he’s compiled over the course of his life. Listening to him teach is like making withdrawals from an ATM machine and getting $100 bills instead of $20’s. Here he dives into the word “hover” as it relates to Holy Spirit birthing and new creation. In one example, using Abraham and Sarah’s example, he says, “Holy Spirit came and enveloped them and released His glory and His power. The best way to say it is, “eternity,” “that which defies age,” just seeped into their bodies and they were transformed.”


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Back in the Charismatic movement, the
Jesus people movement days, we used to
witness on the streets and we would
start by saying, “Jesus loves you and has
a plan for your life.”
So, I jokingly say now, “Jesus loves me and
Chuck Pierce has a plan for my life.”
Then Chuck said the second thing the Lord spoke
to him was, “restore or release my
hovering power.” Now anytime the Lord is
talking and uses the word to hover it
always takes me to Genesis 1.
Because that's what the word means when it says
that, “the Spirit of the Lord was moving
over the face of the deep.”
That word is “rachaph” and frankly
it's a sexual term, it is a reproductive word in Hebrew.
The picture of a husband over his wife and in the act of marriage.
What He's saying there is that
the words of Jesus were seeds that
He was decreeing, “Let there be…”
But Holy Spirit was the one taking those words and
releasing His power in conceiving, or
birthing creation. When Holy Spirit
hovers… we say, “move” all the time.
You ought to change your language a
little bit so it makes you think about
what He's really doing.
Because the word rachaph…
The reason they translated it “move”
was because it has the connotation
of wings fluttering. It's like there's
there's so much energy that there's
vibration there from Holy Spirit when
He's just literally enveloping the earth
and releasing this power.
But “move” is not the best translation for us,
because we say it without realizing what we mean
when we say Holy Spirit was really moving.
Say, “He was really hovering.
He was really birthing and
releasing power, birthing something.”
When the book of
Deuteronomy describes how God brought
forth the nation Israel he starts by
describing Abraham and Sarah and how
barren they were and then he uses the
same word that was used in Genesis 1.
He hovered around them.
How did he give them new bodies?
Their bodies were literally transformed and their youth
was renewed.
Holy Spirit came and enveloped them and released His glory
and his power. The best way to say it is, “eternity,”
“that which defies age,” just seeped into their
bodies and they were transformed.
In the New testament, this is the word that was used at the
Transfiguration when the glory of
the Lord manifested and a cloud formed
and Jesus was transfigured before them.
His body glowed, His clothing
was flashing like lightning.
The people saw Him coming off
the mountain and they were amazed.
He was still glowing just as Moses was when he
came off the mountain from the presence
of the Lord.
So, this word is associated with, “the glory of the
Lord hovering to transform.”
The Lord spoke out of that cloud and said,
“This is my Son, listen to Him.”
There is a hovering of Holy Spirit
that's coming to a nation, and the nation
is going to hear that phrase, “This is my
Son, listen to Him.”
The word is also used in Acts 15:5 where so many people
were getting healed that the meetings had to be taken outside.
They didn't have buildings big enough to hold
the crowds.
The power of God began to flow in such a way
that they tried to get in Peter’s shadow.
The Greek text there does not say Peter’s
shadow healed anybody.
It says, “when they got in the over-shadowing.”
It wasn't Peter’s shadow healing anybody, it
was that Holy Spirit was hovering out
from the word that was coming out of Peter
and the power of God was just flowing out from him to
where they didn't even have to be touched.
They just got within a certain proximity
of him and they got in the hovering,
when there's so much glory in the room
that they get healed back in that corner.
When there's so much glory present
that get healed in the parking lot.

Jesus,Jesus Christ,Bible,Christian,God,Holy Spirit,Holy Ghost,Pentecost,Pentecostal,Prophesy,Prophecy,Prophetic,Gifts of the Spirit,Miracles,Salvation,Deliverance,Spiritual Warfare,Intercession,Prophetic Intercession,Prayer,Breakthrough,Healing,Chuck Pierce,GZI,Bill Johnson,Dutch Sheets,Jane Hamon,Bethel Redding,It's Supernatural,Shawn Bolz,Sid Roth,Karen Wheaton,Kevin Zadai,Jesus Culture,Joel Osteen,Joyce Meyer,King of Kings,

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