
Will Robots Be As Conscious As Humans? (2019) - Conscious Robots and Computers

Will Robots Be As Conscious As Humans? (2019) - Conscious Robots and Computers Can Robots and Computer Truly Be Conscious?
Welcome to Open Your Reality. You may have wondered if robots and computers can truly be conscious. And I don’t mean like Sophia, supposedly the world’s most advanced AI humanoid robot. That robot is not conscious although she gives the appearance of being so. By conscious, I mean able to think for oneself. A conscious robot would have free will, make choices, have feelings and experience pain. It would essentially be like a human but have a robot body and a computer chip for a brain.
One of the most interesting movies I’ve seen in the last five years is Chappie. It’s a movie about a sentient robot that is conscious. Chappie is the name given to the robot, who learns like a little boy would, except at a vastly accelerated rate, being a computer as well. Now this is a bit of a spoiler alert, so fast forward 30 seconds if you don’t want to hear this.
Towards the end of the movie, the creator of the robot has his consciousness downloaded into a similar robot to Chappie. The creator had been shot and was about to momentarily die, so Chappie transports his master’s consciousness into a new robot body. Both themes are fascinating to me and it prompted me to ask the question, can robots truly be conscious like human beings are?
As a proponent of simulation theory, I really vibe with the philosophy of Tom Campbell. Tom is a scientist and consciousness researcher and I like to reference him in many of my videos. I do so because he’s the only person that I’ve come across to be able to answer all the questions I’ve had about reality – both the internal realms and the external – which is our physical world. Tom was recently interviewed and discussed the likelihood of robots being conscious.
I’ll leave the rest of this subject to him, as I think you’ll find what he says fascinating. Oh, and guys, if you haven’t subscribed, please do. I post often and put a lot of time into these videos. Thank you.

Well that was quite interesting. So Tom really does see a strong possibility that robots will be conscious in the future. Can you imagine what life will be like when we share our world with sentient robots? I’m sure many of you would want them as friends and maybe, who knows, even lovers, like Jude Law’s robot character in the movie AI. One thing is for certain though, the future is going to be a fascinating place. If you enjoyed this video, get on top of that like button and let me know in the comments if you agree with Tom Campbell or not. Here are two more awesome videos I think you’ll enjoy. And may the Schwartz be with you.

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