
The "Ahmadiyyah Community" claims to be "True" Islam but in fact they are classed as "NON-MUSLIM

The The "Ahmadiyyah Community" claims to be promoting "True" Islam but in fact they are classed as "NON-Muslims" by the consensus of all the Muslim scholars.
The Ahmadies believe in a Prophet after Prophet Muhammad even though the Quran is very clear on this issue when it states that Prophet Muhammad is the final messenger sent to mankind and even by the very words of the Prophet himself.
It seems that Ahmad Gulam Qadiani had a hard time choosing and sticking to one story Since he laid claim to being Mary, Jesus and the Mahdi, yes i didn't make a mistake he also claimed to be "Mary" Peace be upon her.

Ahmadis / Qadianis / Marzais are those persons who do not believe in the "absolute and unqualified finality of Prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon Him) or claims to be a Prophet in any sense of the word or of any description whatsoever, after Muhammad (PBUH) or recognizes such a claimant as a Prophet or a Religious Reformer". Therefore they are declared and considered Non Muslims / Kaffirs all over the world.


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