
If You Do -A Jemi Story- Episode 1

If You Do -A Jemi Story- Episode 1 Welcome! x

If you didn’t watch/read my Update video, I highly suggest that you do!


Joe sat at his desk, staring at the young man in front of him. He was young, his suit giving away that he was making a true effort and it was clear he had been in a rush to iron it that morning- the crease was crooked down the side, although the young man was doing his best to try and hide it by keeping his briefcase in his lap, although he hadn’t opened the briefcase or mentioned it once through the job interview.
“I hope you understand that… discretion is very important when working here. We have a lot of high-profile customers, they trust us with their private information- budgets, what they want in a home… if one person in this company leaks that information just once, it could ruin our business and my family has spent three generations building that reputation up.” Joe stated and the young man quickly nodded his head, fumbling with his briefcase in his enthusiasm to respond.
“Yes, sir! Of course, I have always considered myself a trustworthy person and I-I’m great at keeping secrets. I know so many secrets about my friends, I’ll take them to the grave with me.” He vowed and Joe raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, yeah? What kinda secrets?” Joe asked casually, taking a sip of his glass of water.
“Like the time my best friend on his bachelor party, slept with the stripper we hired for him.” The young man laughed, but he suddenly stopped when he realized what he’d done and Joe set his glass calmly down on the desk again.
“Thank you, Mister Edwards. You proved yourself untrustworthy. Thank you for your time.” Joe said politely, offering his hand to the young man to shake.
“No! No, wait! Y-You tricked me-!”
“I asked a question… the press can do a lot more than ask a question in casual conversation to get information out of you. Like I said, Mister Edwards, you proved yourself untrustworthy and by the sounds of things, you keep yourself in very untrustworthy company… thank you for your time.” Joe said, his voice completely calm and polite. He couldn’t help but chuckle as the young man stormed out of his office, slamming the door behind him and Joe set the man’s application into the shredder, watching as the confetti fell into the basket underneath. He looked up, though, when there was a knock on the door, revealing his assistant- Jason.
“How did it go?” Jason asked.
“We need to start advertising again… I mean, how hard is it to find a decent realtor in this damn city?” Joe mumbled.
“There’s actually… one more interviewee waiting, sir.” Jason stated, sounding a little surprised that Joe didn’t know but Joe raised an eyebrow at him.
“What? I don’t have any more applications.” Joe said and Jason rushed forward, handing him a copy of the application.
“She applied right before the deadline, sir, I must have forgotten to pass it over after I ran a background check.” Jason said and Joe flicked through it all.
“She passed the background test, then? She’s young.” Joe noticed.
“Yes, sir… she has a clean record, her social media profiles are good, solid- nothing suspicious or illegal.” Jason assured him. “Plus, she’s hot.” Jason added, smirking and Joe looked up at him.
“First warning.” Joe threatened and Jason’s smile dropped.
“Sorry… s-shall I send her in?” Jason asked, clearing his throat and Joe nodded his head.
“Sure.” He confirmed, setting the papers down as Jason left the room and Joe leaned back in his seat, waiting for her. He couldn’t help but be curious- she had no experience in the industry, yet she’d applied to one of the top real estate agencies in the city. He sat up straighter when he saw her appear in the doorway, the door still open from when Jason left to retrieve her.

“Mister Jonas?” She asked, clearly nervous and Joe smiled, motioning to the seat opposite his desk.
“Joe, take a seat Demetria.” He encouraged.
“Demi.” She shyly corrected him, sitting down in the padded seat and Joe smiled, nodding his head.
“Demi… it’s nice to meet you.” He said, the two of them shaking hands as she repeated the sentiment back to him. Her clothes weren’t anything like any other interviewee’s. She wasn’t wearing designer, her clothes were a little creased but they were still smart- she was being herself, and that was something Joe found intriguing. “So, Demi, would you say this is your dream job?” Joe asked.
“No.” Demi answered immediately, her eyes widening instantly when she realized what she said. “I-I mean, yes! Yes.” Demi quickly corrected herself, even though she knew she was lying and she bit her lip when she noticed something.

Joe wasn’t angry or telling her to leave.

He was laughing.


Three comments!

LovaticUnbroken7,If You Do,Love,Rated,Sexy,Jemi,Nelena,Kanielle,Joe Jonas,Demi Lovato,Baby,Nick Jonas,Selena Gomez,Kevin Jonas,Danielle Jonas,LovaticUnbroken8,

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