
Brutal and vicious assault by Calgary Police

Brutal and vicious assault by Calgary Police Anyone who has been victimised by police, judges, lawyers and politicians will appreciate this video. The decision to upload it was made after CBC journalists Charles Rusnell and Jennie Russell exposed intentional and excessive use of force by Edmonton police. Their coverage can be found at this link:

In Gerald’s case, Cst. Bob Schmidt’s body camera kept recording after the incident and plays over the text at the end of the video. Schmidt can be heard openly lying about his “police warning” to Gerald on arrival at the scene. He claims he issued the required statements, telling him to “stop, sir, police, you’re under arrest”, which his own bodycam audio proves is pure fabrication – intentional lies. Once he had Gerald on the ground he told him he was under arrest, which is prohibited conduct.

The bodycam recorded Crespo saying Gerald punched back at him when he arrived, which the HAWCS video proves is also pure fabrication. Crespo was recorded saying he arrived and “just started swinging” in what proved to be more than 20 closed fist punches and hammer strikes to Gerald’s head and face. Gerald was charged with criminal assault against Crespo and originally of Schmidt as well, which was later changed to obstruction. Neither charge went to trial; they were stayed. Sgt. Fraser is heard saying, “depending on what happens… we’ll do him for assault”.

Gerald filed complaints to the Police Commission, who sent them to the Calgary Police to investigate. It was firmly established long ago that a police force cannot impartially investigate its own members; it’s an extreme and direct conflict of interests. After months of waiting it was obvious no investigation was underway and the investigating officer refused to provide Gerald records and information he was entitled to, for the purpose of detailing his complaint. He withdrew the complaint, which will be dealt with via other avenues.

It seems the only way to resolve corruption and wrongdoing in the establishment is to publish it on social media, so here is Gerald’s video. What Edmonton police did to Kyle Parkhurst was shocking but the Edmonton officers’ brutality diminishes when compared to the assault Gerald received, resulting in a broken nose, broken ribs, fractured bones in his right foot, excessive blood loss from his ears, eyes, nose and mouth, concussion, contusions, lacerations, taser-probe holes in his back and permanent hearing loss. He also lost a tooth just months after the incident. His dentist had no idea of the brutal Calgary police blows to his face and head and asked Gerald if he had suffered any head trauma recently.

This incident was pre-arranged and intentionally escalated by Calgary police, to try and shut Gerald up about systemic fraud, corruption and abuse of power in family courts and maintenance enforcement agents, among others.

Again, this incident arose from two provincial traffic tickets. Cst. Schmidt (seen illegally reversing his vehicle into an alley and hitting a post) added a Rules of the Road ticket for an illegal U-turn in an alley but, as the video shows, this is also pure fabrication. The helicopter operator got it wrong by describing it as a “5-point turn” and Schmidt got it wrong describing it as a “U-turn”, since it was a perfectly executed, lawful 3-point turn. Four groundless criminal charges were added, which proceeded in Alberta’s provincial courts as indictable offences. No Criminal Code procedures were applied and the entire prosecution was a travesty of justice conducted in kangaroo courts by tin-pot dictators.

After 18 months every single charge was stayed by the Crown without reasons or explanations given. Please keep watching this space – a website is underway to fully expose and explain systemic abuse and corruption to help the public understand how to stop this happening to anyone else.

We have disabled comments for this video purely to prevent those involved in the wrongdoing from posting malicious, irrelevant or misleading comments. We hope viewers will share this film and open dialogues within families, friends and communities that need this information.

Thank you for watching!

Calgary Police,use of force,excessive use of force,corruption,malicious prosecution,systemic abuse,abuse of process,violent police,conspiracy,fraud,police assault,wasting taxpayers money,calgary police brutality,false arrest,arbitrary detention,abuse,police abuse,police abuse of power,Cst. Jonathon Crespo,Cst. Kelly Lower,Cst. Bob Schmidt,Sgt. Fraser,Calgary helicopter,HAWCS CPS,surveillance,police surveillance,police breaking the law,

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