Link to ExploreUSA RV Superstore:
This YouTube channel is my hobby. Please excuse any errors in this video. By the way, this video fixed a lot of errors I had in a previous version I uploaded earlier the same day.
In regards to RVs, always contact the manufacturer or dealership to ensure that you have the latest specs and list of amenities. For products and services always do your research.
Don't be shy. Your friendly comments and questions are always appreciated. Don't forget to like, subscribe and share my video. My channel is not monetized. You should never see any obnoxious advertising. I am not paid to promote any product or service.
Now a message from our sponsors.
I am available for photography, videography, voiceovers, coffee and honest reviews. Feel free to contact me at
Please support my photography and YouTube channel by visiting my Patreon page. Any support ($1) is appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks! Si se puede! Hablo español. English too!
Super Ultra Amazingly Important Links
JMM Garza YouTube RV Website:
Jesús Manuel Mena Garza Photography Business Website:
Jesús Manuel Mena Garza Online Photography Portfolio:
Jesús Manuel Mena Garza Patreon Page:
Thanks for your support.