
The Most Evolved Technique For Higher Consciousness

The Most Evolved Technique For Higher Consciousness Fire Prayer is an ancient spiritual technology that can help you tap into Divine assistance for manifesting your fullest potential, removing ignorance and giving you higher consciousness.

This technology has long been considered the most powerful way to connect with these celestial beings, as fire is the bridge between physical and non-physical realities.


Sukla-Ambara-Dharam Vissnnum Shashi-Varnnam Catur-Bhujam |

Prasanna-Vadanam Dhyaayet Sarva-Vighno[a-U]pashaantaye ||

Om Gum Gannaanaam Tvaa Ganna-Patim Hava-Amahe

Kavim Kaviinaam-Upama-Shravas-Tamam |

Jyessttha-Raajam Brahmannaam Brahmannas-Pata

Aa Nah Shrnnvan-Nuutibhih-Siida-Saadanam ||

Om Gum Ganna-Adhipataye Namaha ||
Om Gum Ganna-Adhipataye Namaha
Om Agnaye Swaha
Om Agnaye Swaha
Om Dik Palakaya Swaha
Om Dik Palakaya Swaha
Om Dik Palakaya Swaha
Om Agnim..kavi Kritau Satyaha
Chitras ravas tamaha
Devo deve agama

I will talk a little bit about fire ritual. Fire is intelligence, knowledge, knowingness, understanding outside and it is also inside ours. Without the fire there is no knowledge, no intelligence, no consciousness, nothing; it is heat, it is light. This Vedic technology is the highest technology that human beings have ever found. After all fire does not belong to the earth plane.

In the beginning it came from heaven to this earth plane; we have scriptural evidence everywhere in Prometheus Unbound – Prometheus brought fire to the earth plane.

The Hindu tradition says very clearly it’s the fire that takes our prayers. That’s why I sent a prayer to fire establishing the fire within me and connecting with the fire outside and asking the fire God to bring all the Gods.

What is the medium through which the fire comes here?
It is through this ghee, that’s why ghee is so powerful. Why ghee? I can go on talk too much forever on ghee and the heart and the amirtha, there is no time. It’s enough for you to understand that the ghee plays a very key role in connecting the fire within and the fire outside in order to bring the Gods and Goddesses that we are going to invite to come here:

Agnir, (this is Rig Veda) Agnir hothar kavi krithau
Satyaha Chitrasavasthamaha Devo Devyei Agamath

So, bring all these Gods. So, people should understand at least minimum. You don’t have to become a Vedic scholar or anything, and secondly, theoretical knowledge is not that important.

Theoretical knowledge is a waste of time. There is another story with a history of a great Rishy, I think it’s Bharadwaja. He went on reading the scriptures, lifetime after lifetime after lifetime he got extensions. One day Brahma came and said “You have been asking for extra life, extra life, extra life, I have given you so many births. What the hell are you doing here on this earth plane?”

“Well, I started reading the Vedas, and one lifetime was not enough, ten lifetimes is not enough, hundreds of lifetime are not enough…” and then Brahma said “Idiot, you don’t need so much reading. That will make you ego centric and stupid.”

“What should I do?”

He said, “Fire ritual.” One fire ritual will give you 5 years of learning the Vedas every day. That’s why fire rituals are very important, and even more important is one glance of the Guru. The Guru, if he wants to give the blessings he will give – in a second all the knowledge will be transferred through a zip file, throtaka.

So, these are all some spiritual truths. It’s not all learned understanding, Siddhi powers are given in seconds. That’s why some day you have the potential to get all the Siddhi powers, then I don’t have to worry that I don’t have the Siddhi powers. These are the things that I am going to teach during the Guru Purnima. It’s going to be very special.

Guru Purnima I am going to teach about the Siddhi powers on this day. So, the most important thing is just be there, it’s not going to be a live program; you will be seeing me at least on your computer monitors, that’s enough.

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