
Microwave Radiation Exposure Factors - You Don't Know Unless You Own a Microwave RF Meter!

Microwave Radiation Exposure Factors - You Don't Know Unless You Own a Microwave RF Meter! PLEASE SUPPORT my EMF Safety Zone Channel!
Any size contribution is appreciated!

Purchase the Safe and Sound Pro Microwave Meter:

- EMF Safety Zone Website:

eBay Store for EMF Meters:

I find it sad but true, here I am living on 10 remote acres, surrounded by large 20 and 50 acre parcels of land, in a beautiful Northern CA area, and still having to deal with strange, strong pulses of microwave radiation invading this area! Unless one owns a microwave meter, they are not going to know why they are not feeling well or why they are suffering from various potential symptoms of microwave (wireless radiation) exposure. This video is NOT a sales pitch! It is a 100% truthful and accurate suggestion for people to own a priceless tool, necessary in these toxic times of microwave proliferation and saturation on the planet!

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