
Choosing a good man | Picking a guy who’s right for you

Choosing a good man | Picking a guy who’s right for you Know what you are looking for.
How to know if a person is right for you.
Choosing the right guy is important l
Choosing a good man is important

People fail at picking suitable partners and then throw up their hands as if it wasn’t the betrayal of our their standards that got them there. I talk to women everyday that are sick of dating. They’ve has enough. When I ask the right questions it becomes apparent that they were spark chasing. Meaning: they fixate so much on attractive traits and feeling sparks fly that they ignore character flaws, red flags and disqualifying attributes of potential partners.

Many women do this their whole life and never find lasting love. If you take nothing else from this video ladies do yourself this favor. Mentally go over every guy you’ve unsuccessfully pursued, had a crush for, or felt sparks with. Take inventory of the things that trigger you to want a guy. Make sure those things or attributes are emotionally healthy and advantageous to you.

I’ve spoken to way too many women whose primary trigger of attraction. Who’s spark was emotional unavailability. How can one ever find happiness chasing rejection? In time it does quite the number of their self esteem.

Other women I’ve spoken to have a sense of masochism. Their trigger is being denied validation and even being mentally abused. The shittier a guy talks to them or treats them the more they want his approval. The more they want him. In time when the fog clears regret sets in but not before they waste years of their lives nurturing their abuser.

If you’ve uttered the words but he’s just too nice to your friends more than once in you life stop and double check that you’re not misguided on the idea of masculinity. Some guys are too nice or feminine but other times women just have a screwed up idea of manliness. There’s toxic masculinity from men but there’s also toxic ideas of masculinity in women.

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