
A new buddhist temple to benefits countless beings

A new buddhist temple to benefits countless beings Located in the city of Curitiba – in Paraná State, Brazil – Chagdud Gonpa Dordje Ling offers teachings and practices of meditation in the Nyingma tradition of Vajrayana Tibetan Buddhism and belongs to Chagdud Gonpa Brazil, established in our country in 1994 by his eminence Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche. It is part of an international network of centers whose origin is Chagdud Gonpa in Tibet, a monastery founded in the 15th century.

Nowadays Chagdud Gonpa Dordje Ling works in a small tent – in the city center of Curitiba. Lama Yeshe and Lama Rigdzin coordinate the activities and it is because of the generosity of their activities that the tradition of teachings in Vajrayana Buddhism of the Nyingma school – the school of the old tradition -is maintained for the benefit of all beings.

The Chagdud Gonpa Dordje Ling needs your generous contribution to build a temple with all the attributes of the traditional Tibetan architecture.

The merits generated by this donation are uncountable and will reverberate as long as the temple exists – this way, the uninterrupted transmission of teachings of the old tradition school will be perpetuated.


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