There are two categories of taxable entities viz.
(1) Residents and (2) Non-Residents
1. Residents
A Person is said to be ‘’Resident’’ in India in any previous year if such person is :
• An Individual living in India from 182 Days or more is a resident.
• From Preceding Financial year if Individual is living from 4 years
or 365 days or more is a resident.
• ‘’For individual who is working in Indian ship’’ As per Merchant
Shipping Act if person is living 60 days in India so he will be resident.
2. Non Residents
A person is said to be ‘’Not Ordinarily Resident’’ in India in any Previous year if such person is:
• An Individual who has been a non-resident in India in nine out
of the ten years preceding that year.
• During the Seven previous years preceding that year has been in
India for a period of or period amounting in all to seven hundred
and twenty nine days or less.
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