CM #ChandrababuNaidu to meet #RahulGandhi shortly over the anti-BJP front. He is going to meet Rahul in the morning at 10:30AM while after meeting him again he is going to have a discussion with Sharad Pawar. While yesterday he met Akhilesh and Mayawati.
Click the below link for the related video:
CM Chandrababu Naidu to Meet Rahul Gandhi shortly over Anti BJP front:
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Chandrababu Naidu To Meet Rahul Gandhi Shortly,#Chandrababu,#RahulGandhi,Chandrababu to Meet Rahul Gandhi Shortly Over Anti BJP Front,Anti BJP Front,Chandrababu latest news,Rahul Gandhi latest news,Chandrababu vs Rahul Gandhi,Sharad Pawar,Akhilesh,Mayawati,Chandrababu to meet sharad pawar,chandrababu meets rahul gandhi,abn,abn news,abn news live,abn live,abn telugu news,abn news online,abn live news,AP news,Telangana news,Telugu News,Elections 2019,