
Anxiety free living - John MacArthur

Anxiety free living - John MacArthur The Apostle Paul tells us inPhilippians 4:6, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

Really? Don’t be anxious about anything? How in the world is that even possible?

How is it possible to not worry and have anxiety when...

my marriage is struggling
my kids are hanging with the wrong crowd
I’m lonely
I have cancer
my bills are overdue
I can’t keep up with school
I need a job

REALLY? Don't be anxious?

Paul continues with how we should handle things when we want to worry: "but in every situation (not some situations, not a few situations, but every situation), by prayer (a solemn request for help to God) and petition (a formal request to God with respect to a particular cause), with thanksgiving (the expression of gratitude, especially to God), present (to hand over or give) your requests to God (an act of asking politely or formally for something)."

Our prayer may look something like this:

I am anxious, I am scared, and I am lost. I am sorry that I am looking at my circumstances and not at You. I thank you in advance for the work You are doing by the power of the Holy Spirit inside of me. Lord, I need a breakthrough. I need a job, a friend, ______ (fill in the blank with what you need). I trust You are working on my behalf. Father, please, help me see You in this struggle.

Finally, Paul reminds us that when we do this, something wonderful happens: we receive God's peace. "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus," Philippians 4:7. Whatever is weighing you down now, give it over to God. Really give it over to Him. Leave it in His hands, so you can experience His peace.

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