
This Might Save Your Life! - Smart Bump Project

This Might Save Your Life! - Smart Bump Project Speeding is the second biggest cause of death on the roads, killing more than 350,000 people every year. That's why I decided to share with you "The Smart Bump" project.
This project's main purpose is to reduce the number of speeding cars by directly penalizing them using retractable bumps. Moreover, this bump is smart enough not to deploy if a car is below the speed limit, or even retract if a speeding car slowed down.
Another main feature of this project is that its speed limit depends on the weather conditions. The amount of rain, the temperature (to predict the formation of ice) and finally the intensity of light which will permit to the system to know how much time is required for the road to dry.

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You can find the 3D models, the Arduino codes and the circuitry at:

4-21-19,project,bump,diy,maker,speed,car,sports car,electronics,arduino,c++,programming,3d printing,fusion 360,the wokrshop,weekend project,university,university project,raspberrypi,iot,futur,safety,

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